Rambam Bekius
My name is Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss, and this is the podcast for my Rambam Bekius Chavurah at Yeshiva Bnei Torah (YBT). We typically meet four days a week for an hour and learn the writings of the Rambam on a bekius level (i.e. with the aim of covering ground rather than doing an in-depth analysis). Our focus is on the Mishneh Torah, but we will frequently delve into the Sefer ha'Mitzvos, the Peirush ha'Mishnayos, the Moreh ha'Nevuchim, and other writings from the Rambam when our learning takes us there. If you're interested in attaining fluency in the Rambam's Torah, then this is the podcast for you!
Podcasting since 2020 • 387 episodes
Rambam Bekius
Latest Episodes
Some Thoughts on the Seudah ha'Mafsekes (Hilchos Taaniyos 5:7-9)
Length: 21 minutes 24 secondsSynopsis: I was originally going to record an episode for tomorrow, Tishah b'Av itself, but I ended up discussing the halachos of seudah ha'mafsekes (the concluding meal before the fast) with my chavrusa this af...
Season 12
Episode 29

Tearing Kria Over the Destruction (Hilchos Taaniyos 5:16-18)
Length: 12 minutes 23 secondsSynopsis: We conclude the fifth chapter of Hilchos Taaniyos with the halachos of tearing our garments when we encounter the Cities of Judah, Jerusalem, and the Mikdash in their states of destruction. The final h...
Season 12
Episode 28

Commemorations of the Destruction (Hilchos Taaniyos 5:12-15)
Length: 9 minutes 50 secondsSynopsis: Today's halachos are about the enactments and decrees that Chazal set up to commemorate the destruction of the Mikdash and Yerushalayim. Some of these are familiar to us; others seem to no longer be pra...
Season 12
Episode 27

Prohibitions on Tishah b'Av and Manuscript Methodology (Hilchos Taaniyos 5:10-11)
Length: 15 minutes 22 secondsSynopsis: Today we finish the Rambam's halachos of Tishah b'Av itself, stopping to discuss an interesting minority manuscript and its implications. Tomorrow we'll move on to the next topic in the chapter: the co...
Season 12
Episode 26

Rosh Chodesh Av to Erev Tishah b'Av (Hilchos Taaniyos 5:6-9)
Length: 7 minutes 52 secondsSynopsis: We continue in Hilchos Taaniyos 5 with the halachos pertaining to the month of Av and Erev Tishah b'Av. As I said, we're keeping this in a "strictly bekius" mode for now to ensure that we finish the cha...
Season 12
Episode 25